DMCA Policy For Findly Jobs

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”) is formulated to safeguard content creators against unauthorized use and publication of their work by others on the internet.

This legislation is particularly directed at websites where owners lack information about contributors for each content item or where the website functions as a platform for uploading and publishing content.

We maintain a policy to address any infringement notice promptly and take necessary actions.

This Digital Millennium Copyright Act policy applies to the “” website (“Website” or “Service”) and any of its related products and services (collectively, “Services”).

This document delineates the approach of the Website operator (“Operator,” “we,” “us,” or “our”) to handling copyright infringement notifications and provides information on how you (“you” or “your”) can submit a copyright infringement complaint.

Safeguarding intellectual property is a top priority for us, and we request our users and their authorized representatives to uphold the same commitment.

Our practice is to promptly address clear notifications of alleged copyright infringement that adhere to the United States Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”) of 1998. The complete text of the DMCA is available on the U.S. Copyright Official website.

What to consider before submitting a copyright complaint

Kindly be aware that if you are uncertain about whether the material you are reporting constitutes infringement, it is advisable to seek advice from an attorney before submitting a notification to us.

The DMCA mandates the inclusion of your personal information in the copyright infringement notification. If you have concerns regarding the privacy of your personal information.

Notifications of infringement

If you are the copyright owner or an authorized representative, and you believe that any material accessible on our Services infringes your copyrights, you may submit a written copyright complaint. Submit a copyright infringement notification (“Notification”) by using the contact details below, in accordance with the DMCA. All Notifications must adhere to the requirements of the DMCA.

Submitting a DMCA complaint initiates a predefined legal process. Your complaint will undergo a review to assess its accuracy, validity, and completeness. If your complaint meets these criteria, our response may involve the removal or restriction of access to content that is allegedly infringing.

In cases where we take action, such as removing or restricting access to materials or terminating an account based on a notification of alleged infringement, we will make a sincere effort to inform the affected user about the actions taken.

It is important to note that the Operator retains the right to refrain from taking action upon receipt of a DMCA copyright infringement notification if it fails to comply with all the requirements outlined in the DMCA.

The procedures outlined in this Policy do not limit our ability to pursue any other remedies available to address suspected infringement.

Changes and amendments

We retain the right to alter this Policy or its terms concerning the Website and Services at our discretion, with changes taking effect immediately upon posting the revised Policy. Notification of such modifications may occur through posting on the main page of the Website, email notification to you, or through other means, as deemed appropriate, using the contact information you provided.

Your continued use of the Website and Services after the effective date of the revised Policy, or any other specified action, signifies your consent to these changes.

Reporting copyright infringement

Should you wish to report infringing material or activity, we encourage you to reach out to us via the provided email address below.

Email: Protection Status