Maryam Nawaz Kissan Card: Benefits, Eligibility & How to Apply

Maryam Nawaz Kissan Card: Benefits, Eligibility & How to Apply? In an effort to boost the agricultural sector and offer significant aid to farmers, Chief Minister of Punjab, Maryam Nawaz Sharif, has unveiled the innovative Kissan Card Scheme. This initiative stands as a beacon of hope for farmers, pledging comprehensive assistance and subsidies to ease their challenges. Let’s explore the specifics of the Maryam Nawaz Kissan Card Scheme.

The Maryam Nawaz Kissan Card initiative aims to provide support to farmers in Pakistan. This article offers an overview of the program, outlining its benefits, eligibility criteria, and the application process.


Though the program’s details are still emerging, reported benefits of the Maryam Nawaz Kissan Card include:

  • Subsidies on essential agricultural inputs such as fertilizers, seeds, and pesticides.
  • Access to loans with favorable terms for farmers.
  • Crop insurance coverage.
  • Provision of technical assistance and training programs.


The Maryam Nawaz Kissan Card is expected to target small and marginal farmers. Specific eligibility criteria, such as landholding size or income limits, are anticipated to be announced by relevant authorities.

How to Apply:

The official application process for the Maryam Nawaz Kissan Card has yet to be announced. It is probable that applications will be accepted through government offices or online portals. Stay updated for further details on the application process.

Introduction to the Kissan Card

The Kissan Card Scheme is designed to offer tangible assistance to the farming community in Punjab. It includes a range of initiatives and subsidies aimed at strengthening agricultural activities and improving farmers’ livelihoods.

Key Highlights of the Kisan Card Scheme

Comprehensive Support:
The scheme offers comprehensive aid to wheat cultivators and farmers throughout Punjab.

Financial Relief:
It extends financial relief by providing subsidies on essential agricultural inputs such as fertilizers and pesticides.

Social Protection and Targeted Subsidies:
An integral part of the scheme involves providing social protection and targeted subsidies to safeguard the welfare of farmers.

Meeting Overview:
Chief Minister of Punjab, Maryam Nawaz, chaired a special meeting to examine matters concerning wheat cultivation and agricultural subsidies. The meeting emphasized the Punjab government’s steadfast support for the farming community and its dedication to addressing their needs.

Key Decisions and Proposals:
  1. Kisan Card Proposal Review: The meeting reviewed a proposal for issuing Kisan cards, representing a significant stride toward implementing the scheme.
  2. Debt Relief Measures: The government has undertaken substantial measures to alleviate debt burdens, having paid off a considerable portion of circular debt amounting to Rs 469 billion in the last eight months.
  3. Subsidized Flour Provision: Maryam Nawaz reaffirmed the government’s commitment to providing subsidized flour to the public, demonstrating a broader focus on tackling socio-economic challenges.
Future Prospects:

The Kisan Card Scheme holds great promise for Punjab’s agricultural sector, fostering growth, sustainability, and prosperity. Through ongoing collaboration and proactive measures, the scheme aims to reshape the agricultural landscape, empowering farmers and ensuring food security.

Who is eligible to benefit from the Maryam Nawaz Kisan Card Scheme?

Maryam Nawaz Kissan Card Benefits, Eligibility & How to Apply

The scheme is crafted to provide advantages to every farmer and wheat cultivator throughout Punjab.

Meeting on Wheat Matters and Farmer Assistance

In a recent special meeting chaired by Chief Minister Punjab Maryam Nawaz, various issues concerning wheat cultivation were discussed. Among the topics reviewed was a proposal for the issuance of Kissan cards aimed at supporting farmers. Asserting the Punjab government’s solidarity with the farming community, CM Maryam emphasized their unwavering support and commitment. She directed officials to take all necessary measures to aid wheat cultivators, underscoring the PML-N’s manifesto which prioritizes the welfare of farmers. Furthermore, Maryam highlighted the government’s efforts to provide subsidized flour, acknowledging the challenges faced by the common citizens.

Financial Measures and Subsidy Management

During the briefing, it was revealed that the government had grappled with a circular debt of Rs 630 billion attributed to wheat subsidies. This debt incurred an annual markup of Rs 80 billion. Despite these financial challenges, the Punjab government successfully cleared Rs 469 billion of the debt over the past eight months. Additionally, a proposal concerning Social Protection and Targeted Subsidy was scrutinized during the meeting, reflecting the government’s ongoing efforts to manage subsidies effectively.

Enhanced Security Measures for Religious Gatherings

On the first Friday of Ramadan, the Punjab police ensured comprehensive security arrangements for worshippers across the province. Inspector General of Police (IGP) Punjab Dr. Usman Anwar affirmed the provision of excellent security to over 36,000 mosques, 2,179 Imambargahs, and 444 minority places of worship, including those in Lahore. A significant deployment of over 74,000 police officers, officials, and community volunteers was made to safeguard these religious sites.

  • Implementation of extensive security measures, including the deployment of over 200 walkthrough gates and 12,000 metal detectors at sensitive religious locations.
  • Increased search operations and patrolling around mosques, Imambargahs, and places of worship during critical times such as Fajr, Iftar, and Taraweeh prayers.
  • Utilization of specialized police units such as the Dolphin Squad, PRU, and Elite teams for patrolling and security enforcement.
  • Continuous monitoring of security activities through Safe City cameras, ensuring prompt response to any security threats.
  • Close coordination between Regional Police Officers (RPOs), District Police Officers (DPOs), and local peace and mosque committees to enhance security collaboration.
  • Emphasis on promoting interfaith harmony, brotherhood, and peace by religious scholars in collaboration with law enforcement agencies.

Conclusion (Maryam Nawaz Kissan Card: Benefits, Eligibility & How to Apply) :

The Maryam Nawaz Kisan Card Scheme marks a significant stride towards prosperity and aid for farmers in Punjab. Through its comprehensive assistance measures and targeted initiatives, the scheme is set to transform the agricultural sector, fostering increased productivity, prosperity, and well-being for farmers throughout the region.

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